North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show

North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show

Ethan Beal-Brown

Ethan Beal-Brown grew up in Vermont, studied at Deep Springs College, and Brown University, and after spending a number of years on the West Coast and elsewhere, moved back to Bennington where he has been enjoying life living at the foot of Mount Anthony.

While not an artist by trade, Ethan has greatly enjoyed making a few welded sculptures over the years, has studied wheel-thrown ceramics, and enjoys playing the piano and guitar.

He's currently working on commercializing an invention of his, a high-power modular electric wheel which enables new forms of personal mobility and electric sport.

Artist Bio

Title: Rocket Stove

Materials: Propane tanks, circular pipe, rectangular pipe, custom made doors

Dimensions: 7ft x 4ft x 4 ft

Price: not for sale

Site: North Bennington


Dylan Spencer Kenney


Gary Humphreys